Rehearsals for Hairspray will commence
at our new rehearsal venue
Directing this production will be Laura Saltariche who has been teaching Drama and English for the past 14 years and we welcome her on board this year.
When the Committee chose this show it was agreed that we wanted Holly Brown to reprise her role as Tracy Turnblad and we are delighted she agreed. We have, in the past, asked people to reprise roles (such as JCS and La Cage) when a show was repeated within a few years and those members were still with the Society.
To be clear, with the exception of the role of Tracy Turnblad, ALL OTHER ROLES will be auditioned.
Holly will also act as Choreographer, a role she has carried out very successfully for the past few years.
Auditions for all other roles will take place on
Monday 21st October and Thursday 24th October at 7.30pm
List of roles/description detailed below
As most people will be aware, HAIRSPRAY is concerned with racial inequalities in 1960’s USA, therefore we will be looking for all ethnicities for this show. We will require one/two young girls to play the role of Inez and we may decide to add a couple of other youngsters but this is dependent on the age of Inez at time of casting.
Angela Potter, Musical Director/Rehearsal Pianist will be available to go through audition pieces on Thursday 10th & 17th October. Our first rehearsal will be a ‘getting to know each other’ session where together with Laura, Holly & Angela you will do some singing and movement and basically have a good time.
Annual Subscription is £40 and this is to be paid to either The Secretary/Treasurer/Membership Secretary prior to auditions. £10 will be a non-refundable Audition Fee. The subscription should also be required to be paid by auditions by anyone wanting to take part in the show. If after casting you decide not to continue the Audition Fee will be retained. Payment either via PayPal/BACS/Cheque/Cash.
A £40 Show Fee will be payable and this should be paid no later than 28th February 2020.
Show dates: Tuesday 5th - Saturday 9th May 2020, 7.30pm, Saturday Matinee 2pm
Technical/Dress Rehearsals: Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May (all required)
Band Call: To be advised – all Principals to attend/ensemble if possible
Get in at theatre: Saturday 2nd May (no rehearsal planned for this date)
ROLES TO BE AUDITIONED: (listed in order of appearance)
Corny Collins
The charismatic host of the Corny Collins' Show.
Penny Pingleton
Tracy's best friend and dorky sidekick.
Prudy Pingleton
Penny's strict mother. Very conservative, controlling, and closed minded.
Edna Turnblad
Tracy’s plus sized mother.
Amber von Tussle
Link's girlfriend and Tracy's nemesis.
Link Larkin
The star heartthrob on Corny Collins' show.
Velma von Tussle
Amber's mother and the director of Corny Collin's show.
Wilbur Turnblad
Tracy's simpleminded and kind father.
Little Inez
Seaweed’s younger sister.
Tracy's classmate and friend, who is discriminated against due to his skin color.
Maybelle Motormouth
Seaweed and Little Inez's mother.
(Smaller Roles)
Mr. Pinky
Mr. Spritzer
Principal Gilbert
Gym Teacher
Dynamites/Corny’s Gang/Black Ensemble/White Ensemble
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