Trial By Jury / Pirates of Penzance
Trial by Jury
Gilbert and Sullivan's Comic Operetta
The Pirates of Penzance
or "The Slave of Duty"
Composed by Arthur Sullivan
Written by W.S. Gilbert
Gilbert and Sullivan's Comic Operetta
The Pirates of Penzance
or "The Slave of Duty"
Composed by Arthur Sullivan
Written by W.S. Gilbert
Trial By Jury - Characters
- The Learned JudgeEddie Jones
- The PlaintiffMarjorie Jones
- The DefendantAlbert Heywood
- The Counsel for the PlaintiffRobert W Manning
- UsherEdward Robinson
- The Foreman of the JuryArnold McDonald
- AssociateAshley V Wright
- JurymenEric Anderton, Jack Cousins, Roy S Hardy, Alan Hartley, Arthur Martindale, Anthony Park, Alfred W Rose, Geoffrey Scott, Norman Smith, Arthur Thornley, Harold Yates
- BridesmaidsIrene Bell, Rose Brighouse, Marjorie Hodgson, Muriel Hoyle, Margaret Male, Monica Smith, Lydia Stirzaker, Joan Wilman
- SpectatorsDoris Crabtree, Maisie Gaiter, Margaret Hartley, Doris Heywood, Isabel Johnson, Nessa Jowett, Eileen Parker, Noella Parker, Betty Pimbley, Gertrude Sowerby, Beatrice Thoms, Jo Woodhouse
The Pirates of Penzance - Dramatis Personae
- Major General StanleyRoy S Hardy
- The Pirate KingHarry Priestley
- SamuelEric Anderton
- FredericGeoffrey Rae
- Sergeant of PoliceAlan Hartley
- MabelEdna Waller
- EdithMonica Smith
- KateBeatrice Thoms
- IsabelIrene Bell
- RuthDaisy Spence
- PiratesArnold McDonald, Albert Heywood, Eddie Jones, Robert W Manning, Arthur Martindale, Ian Merckel, Anthony Park, Edward Robinson, Alfred W Rose, Geoffrey Scott, Keith Taylor, Arthur Thornley, Ashley V Wright, Harold Yates
- PoliceArthur Martindale, Arnold McDonald, Alfred W Rose, Edward Robinson, Geoffrey Scott, Harold Yates
- General Stanley's DaughtersRose Brighouse, Doris Crabtree, Maisie Gaiter, Dorothy Hardy, Margaret Hartley, Doris Heywood, Marjorie Hodgson, Muriel Hoyle, Isabel Johnson, Marjorie Jones, Nessa Jowett, Margaret Male, Diana Middleton, Moyra Milner, Norah Robinson, Gertrude Sowerby, Lydia Stirzaker, Margaret Wray, Jo Woodhouse, Joan Wilman
Trial by Jury
Gilbert and Sullivan's Comic Operetta
The Pirates of Penzance
or "The Slave of Duty"
Composed by Arthur Sullivan
Written by W.S. Gilbert
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Gilbert and Sullivan's Comic Operetta
The Pirates of Penzance
or "The Slave of Duty"
Composed by Arthur Sullivan
Written by W.S. Gilbert
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